On display now: Dualities

Dualities by Kritsana Naowakhun


This show represents an exploration into the dualities of the natural world. East and west, light and dark, predator and prey, summer and fall, life and death. All of these dualities exist simultaneously. Many pieces reflect the duality of the world that are in never ending cycle or circle.


Kritsana was always an artist at heart and loved inspiring others through his work. Sadly, Kritsana recently passed away, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the art world. We want to honor and thank him for his immense contribution to art in the Wood Buffalo region.


The exhibition reception will be held on September 20th, from 7-9 p.m. We invite the community and art lovers to join us in celebrating Kritsana’s life and admiring his latest work. The exhibit will be on display from September 18 to October 16.


Black Friday at MIP


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